I truly believe in the power of living from the center of our hearts. Letting our hearts be the guiding compass. For me, my heart has guided me to various solo travels around the world, meeting new cultures and growing my being. My solo travels have shaped me in so many ways, and been such an expansive pillar in my life. I am eternally grateful.
For many years my life has been shifting between having the freedom, time and money to follow my heart's calling and returning to the matrix to go back into the work field.
I reached a point where I didn’t wanna go back anymore. My soul wasn’t feeling aligned constantly having to start over in a place where I was feeling like I was going backwards.
So that’s when I realised that there must be another way, and of course it is.
I am working with a company and a business model I truly stand by and believe in. It's my joy to share this as a way of creating a life that truly is in alignment.
I am here to open the doors for other freedom seekers, conscious creators and paradigm shifters to support the beings that are ready to up level their life and call in their highest dreams and visions.
Building a sustainable online business with the support of a loving community.
Yes I am building my own online business, but that doesn’t mean I have to do it alone. And same goes for you.
Let’s rise together and call in the life of our dreams!